Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Principal equipments of Water power Alternator in making electric energy is existence of turbine and generator. But at reality many equipments assists applied to make the electric energy. The equipments to assists most important in making electric energy for example; electric governor, AVR, inlet valve, etc. Principal source of power in producing electricity is water staying in cistern.
Production Process or work in making visible electricity at residing in diagram under this;

Drawing is upper depicting a production process beginning from current blocked accommodate and in cistern with number of a real big and supported by dam. Hereinafter the water is flown [by] through filter Tower Intake and trash rack steps into cast concrete pipe and pass gate chamber (door of in concrete) and steel iron pipe and hereinafter the pipe is ramified to become three divisions, namely two fast pipes (Pen stock) to make a change from potential energy becomes kinetic dissociation energy of diatomic or kinetic and one pipes applied for irrigation passage. Tip of pen stock or fast pipe there is Inlet valve which then is ramified to become two inlet valve commissioned to flow water towards turbine. Inlet applied as principal valve will be closed automatically or stopped if there is trouble or implementation of keeping at turbine. Following is one of drawing inlet valve applied in Water power Alternator

Water having high dividing valve and speed or equally kinetic energy already happened, soon is flown towards burrs sudu remain to which will push road(street blade or runner attached at both turbines, so that happened mechanical energy in the form of revolution. Revolution which is mandatory defended by turbine 500 rpm with engine energy power equal to 9MW with water debit entering variation. The direction of revolution of Turbine is concurrent with needle hour/clock. Following is drawing from a turbine;

Turbine consisted of some main component :

a. Runner.
The functions of this peripheral is to support revolution of turbine with energy that is enough when turbine shaft is not attributed to generator and made to assist from movement at axis.
b. Shaft or peduncle.
This peripheral made of the size wide to can give security and safety at operation in combination trap with generator peduncle at the time of its(the speed increases is finite at a speed of maximum revolution. this peduncle there is clutch that is unconnected with clutch at generator peduncle and that unconnected with runner.
c. Turbine guide bearing (retainer of turbine rudder).
Mode of action from this peripheral is lubricating oil is boosted up until making aperture so passing retainer surface ( 1) and ( 2) performance pumping because of speed difference between exteriors and inner of aperture ( 1)lubricant oil after successfully makes aperture ( 3), returns towards to place of lubricant until guide bearing ( 4). Lubricating oil will be made cool at place of its(the stock. From explanation to can be depicted with scheme following.

d. Wicket gates (door of screen).
Each gates supported by two retainers of located viscid lubricant under washer and to canopy. Each upper peduncle also is completed with retainer of drive to arrest; detain weight from door and arrest; detains rising or lowering of from hydraulic drive. Each in gate will cover with itself his(its returns to position of closed if happened braking at the time of operation.
e. Wicket gate bearing (retainer of door of screen).
This peripheral consisted of wicket gate bearing, thrust bearing and bearing bush which is located under washer and to canopy. Compatible loading that can be applied within old is by preventing inlet water through in gate upper and lower canal water. Following be the surface.
f. Shaft as of baffle device (equipments of peduncle sealing).
Peduncle boom (shaft sleeve) protected quickly and cargo canopy (packing casing) attributed to principal canopy by retainer. Gland packing is placed between peduncles and cargo canopy. Water closed is functioning to arrange packing gland. Protective box completed with the long rings for lubricating oil. Accentual at as of baffle water must be ascertained in higher level condition from dividing valve at runner. Explanation is upper will seen at surface following.

Rotary dissociation energy of diatomic yielded by turbine then applied to move each generator. Generator applied has 15 three phase pole tides. Besides, this generator also is synchronous generator with position of axis vertical. In synchronous generator there is anchor coil and field coil at rotor. Because generator applied there is two, hence its (the erection is done in parallel. This meant to enlarge energy power capacities awakened. With generator parallel also functioned to take care of service continuity if there is generator which must be stopped, for example to take a rest. Generator Alternating Current works as according to the induction theory of electromagnetic. Simply explainable that when peripatetic conductor in a magnetic field, hence induced voltage will be yielded. In general generator consisted of magnetic field, dynamo, slip ring, brush, and in the form of resistance type. Generator rotor turned around by prime mover to yield rotary magnetic field at engine. This rotary magnetic field induces three phase strain at generator stator coil. Rotor at synchronous generator basically is an big electromagnet. Generator rotor applied in this evocation is shoe pole type or pole salient. This caused by polar amounts at generator more than four poles.

Besides also is caused by small revolution or less than 1500 rpm with capacities less than 10 MVA
Water which has been applied to turn around turbine will go out returns to pass Tail Race for towards to rivers. Electric power yielded by each generator still very small namely 6,3 kV. Therefore, needed to boosts to become 150kV channeling efficiency to of dissociation energy of diatomic from generator towards load centre. Hereinafter the high voltage is divided to applies Switch Yard 150 kV at main generator watchman station then strain is transmission [by] towards main station and continued for channeling or interconnection to electric power system through High voltage passage cord 150 kV. Electric power yielded by generator and has been transmission is not able yet to directly applied by consumer. At this side strain alighted from transmission 150 kV to become distribution strain 20 kV. This process done by transformer step down in main watchman station. And will be degraded returns to become strain 380/220 Volts or 220/127 Volts by transformer mast to applied by consumer. The visible explanation at diagram following.

Timer Baterray Supply

One needs that is often emerges at equipments energy by battery was that battery can be killed after one certain time periods. Though circuit timer a lot, but no matter simple to be able to decide power supply allowance after used for several hour/clock. circuit depicted here can did this task by using current only some nano ampere.

View at circuit diagram shows that not many component applied. Switches S1 is nipple " ON", if it is depressed will ration bases rudder current at transistor Darlington T1 which then conducting will to ration equipments is being used. Transistor T2 now will pass also, and acts as breach-block S1 in business is maintaining bases current to T1. Condenser C1 will start filling R4. if strain at R4 shoot until 1, 2V, hence T2 will break. In turn, this thing will kill T1 and hence allowance will be desisted also. The only flowing current is blow by current passing both transistors, but this biggest current only some nano ampere only. for all need, battery allowance will be stopped.

For they hesitating of mentoba " tries and sees" possibly will require more time, but will work good. If required, both replaceable Darlington with separate transistor.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Voltage Mirror

There have many ways to get negative and positive allowance strain with only applies one transformer secondary reels. this planning is one of its the realization.

This circuit applies second bridge rectifier, D1...D4, where rectifier holds mutually transformer capacity passed C1 and C2. Because of the strain yielded isolated by DC to transformer. Where circuit unconnected with rectifier D5....D8, hence positive terminal C3 earns unconnected directly to line 0V to give symmetrical power supply allowance.

Because C3 loaded from higher level impedance than C4, because of erection of condenser C1 and C2, hence this condenser must have higher level value compared to C4. Otherwise, hence impedance in and wrinkling strain from negativity allowance would many differing from his its positive allowance.

Condenser working stress at least having to equal to transformer strain peak value. with component values like the one passed to circuit diagram, transformer strain 15V can ration finite of 0,1A with shrink strain 1V. condenser values can be turned into bigger with the same factor to less shrink strain. election of bridge rectifier must have enough work reach to overcome maximum transformer top strain and payload current.

Basic Principle of Relay Protection

Definition of Relay Protection At Generator

Relay protection is a working peripheral automatically arranges or decides an electrical circuit as result of existence of trouble happened at generator.

Relay protection is attached with a purpose to prevents accident, to minimize the happening of trouble happened at part of system and gives commemoration automatically functioning isolate trouble to condition or that is below par, like overload, under voltage, reserve power and condition of below par other. Besides, relay is attached with a purpose to localizes impact of trouble by dissociating equipments annoyed from system because can cause damage at other equipments residing in at the system. That way equipments experiencing damage can escape quickly so that system stability line still awake, and continuity and service of system also still awake carefully.

Linkage Relay Protection

Relay protection has 6 bodywork, namely:

Beginning actuator, generator, generator transformer, main assistant transformer, reserves assistant transformer or transformer start, consumer motors itself.

Relay protection in a generator consisted of some types, namely:

1. protection of Rotor ground fault.

This protection functions to detect quickly trouble happened because of its (the break magnetic field circuit which can generate temperature and fire spatter. And detect when one or all phases unconnected to the ground.

2. Protection under excitation.

This protection functions to detect unstable excitation trouble effect [of] trouble AVR, transformer control system that is not functioned, or generator operates with capacitive material.

3. Protection over current.

Protection functioned to detect stress thermal at generator resulted from more of current.

4. Protection rise indium voltage.

Functioning protection detects existence of increase of payload and or derivation of system payload resulting increase of revolution at generator turbine.

5. Protection load under balance.

Protection with aim to detect existence of one of network which unconnected with ground.

6. Protection under frequency.

Functioning protection to detect existence of trouble resulted lowering of linear circuit frequency outside interconnection.

In a protection system consisted of peripherals which must be paid attention is:

a. Relay.

b. PMT/PMB ( break payload).

c. Power Supply ( battery).

d. Wiring

e. Voltage Transformer and current transformer (parameter).


Protection system is a safety device early applied to take care of stability line a system which will be protected to can operate matching with the one which is expected. Protection device is relay with simple enough component, but in the application of his(its is very effective of which can be functioned at peripheral which wish to be protected.

Monday, September 29, 2008

AVR ATmega to LCD

LCD is very important in programming because we can’t use debug program. We need to display the result of calculation, variable or other to the LCD to know the program processing that we make. LCD can displaying the result data from the sensor, and can be interaction between microcontroler with the human.

The type LCD that we use is M1632. This LCD have when each row using 16 characteristic. This device is easy to operate and need the low power. For interfacing circuit, LCD don’t need a much of the support component. We need only one resistor and resistor variable to give the contrast voltage to the matrix of LCD.
This is the table of the pin LCD:

This the LCD circuit to microcontroller:

When we want to display the string to the LCD is easy. We are need a tool to compile our listing with CodeVision AVR. You can having with download from the site http://www.hpinfotech.ro. You must install this program and set this program like picture inside:

In menu setting, choose programmer and make setting programmer in Programmer setting and doing changing this setting like this

After those, make a new project that appropriate with the listing that will make. Attention this block program:

//Alphanumeric LCD Module functions
.equ _lcd_port=0x15 ;PORTC

The block must be participate if we ‘ll make Generate file way….and automatically its will done. The meaning of the instruction block above is to set LCD to the PORT C and then linking in library lcd.h that the inside of those provide the instructions for access to the LCD.
This is the listing program that can be to practice our skill:

//Alphanumeric LCD Module functions
.equ _lcd_port=0x15 ;PORTC
// Declare your global variables here
Void main (void)
// Declare your local variables here
// Input / Output Ports initialization
// Port A initialization
// Func7=In Func6=In Func5=In Func4=In Func3=In Func2=In Func1=In Func0=In
// State7=T State6=T State5=T State4=T State3=T State2=T State1=T State0=T

// PORT B initialization
// Func7=In Func6=In Func5=In Func4=In Func3=In Func2=In Func1=In Func0=In
// State7=T State6=T State5=T State4=T State3=T State2=T State1=T State0=T
// PORT C initialization
// Func7=In Func6=In Func5=In Func4=In Func3=In Func2=In Func1=In Func0=In
// State7=T State6=T State5=T State4=T State3=T State2=T State1=T State0=T

// PORT D initialization
// Func7=In Func6=In Func5=In Func4=In Func3=In Func2=In Func1=In Func0=In
// State7=T State6=T State5=T State4=T State3=T State2=T State1=T State0=T

// Timer/Counter 0 initialization
// Clock source: System Clock
// Clock value: Timer 0 Stopped
// Mode: Normal top=FFh
//OC0 output: Disconnected

// Timer/Counter 1 initialization
// Clock source: System Clock
// Clock value: Timer 1 Stopped
// Mode: normal top=FFFh
// OC1A output: Discon.
// OC1B output: Discon.
// Noise Canceler: Off
// Input Capture on Falling Edge
// Timer 1 Overflow Interrupt: Off
// Input Capture Interrupt: Off
// Compare A Match Interrupt: Off
// Compare B Match Interrupt: Off

// Timer/Counter 2 initialization
// Clock source: System Clock
// Clock value: Timer 2 Stopped
// Mode: normal top=FFh
//OC2 output: Disconnected

// External Interrupt (s) initialization
// INT0: Off
// INT1: Off
// INT2: Off

// Timer(s)/Counter(s) Interrupt(s) initialization

// Analog Comparator initialization
// Analog Comparator: Off
// Analog Comparator Input capture by Timer/Counter 1: Off

// LCD module initialization
Lcd_init(16); //inisialisasi LCD
Lcd_gotoxy(0,0); //menempatkan posisi di 0,0
//kolom 0, baris 0
lcd_putsf(“Halo..”): //menampilkan string Halo..
lcd_gotoxy(0,1); //menempatkan posisi
//kolom 0, baris1
Lcd_putsf(“Nama saya Joni”); //menampilkan string
While (1)
// Place your code here
Lets to practice and Good Luck.
The End.

Water Power Altenator

Element of Energy System.
One of way that is very economic, easy and safe to send dissociation energy of diatomic is through form of electric energy. At center generator, primary dissociation energy of diatomic power source like geothermy, nuclear, oil fuel, and water turned into electric energy. synchronous generator changes mechanical energy which has been yielded by turbine axis to become triphase dissociation energy of diatomic.
Pass strain step-up transformer, electric energy is distributed through high strain transmission towards load centre. Improvement of strain meant to lessen number of currents flowing at transmission passage. Thereby high strain transmission passage will bring low current flow and means lessens temperature losses accompanying it.
Basically in awakening element electric energy which must be provided is exist 3. Firstly, Center evocation. This thing done by turbine, generator and transformer step-up and other peripheral. Second, High voltage transmission. All electric energy having a real strain height will be kept towards a watchman station of mains so that later is diubahmenjadi low voltage which dikerjakanoleh strain step-down transformer would. Third, Low voltage transmission. Electrical energy distribution process towards to every payload, namely the itself consumers. In process of distribution will be controlled by watchman station of mains.
Principal equipments in water power alternator system in awakening electric energy is existence of turbine and generator. But practically many peripherals assists applied to awaken electric energy. Equipments assists applied to awaken electric energy for example electric governor, AVR, inlet valve, etc. Principal source of power in producing electricity is water staying in cistern.

Thermal Voltage Converter

This application can give a construction electronic thermal that can operate from 00 up to 240 C. This circuit can producing output approximately about 500 mV/0 C, that can be read in the voltmeter after calibrate with temperature. To make this application to be a simple circuit, the temperature detector we can give thermystor with negative temperature coefficient (NTC).
This profit for the application, the resistance temperature coefficient is very large, but the temperature coefficient is not constant and the output voltage temperature circuit can’t be linier. In 00 up to 240 area, the linier is enough for a simple temperature.
IC op-amp is connected used to be differential amplifier. Input transmitting by bridge circuit that consists of R1 to R4. The constant of bridge arm can form by R1, R2, R3 and P1, but R4 is to form the variable arm. The voltage in R1 and R2 is 3, 4 volt. Within the increasing of the temperature, the NTC resistance will decrease and the voltage will fall and make the output op-amp increase. If the output can’t precision in 0, 5 V0/C, the value R8 and R9 can appropriately, but both of them have been same.
IC that can use to this application is 741, 3130, or 3140. Compensation capasitor C2 isn’t necessary if we use IC 741, because this IC can compensate. R4 can use NTC 10K, but for small type will give respond faster cause have lower thermal inertial.

Supply Failure Display

Many system of electronic, expectialy digital system like random access memory and watch digital,
It must give the supply continually to make the operation is running true. if a supply to RAM is break,
all of the information has saving will lost and if the watch digital have the same happen so the time information will be lose too.
The supply failure display that will explained will detect the breaking of supply and will turning on the LED if the supply come in. So, it can to inform the microprocessor if the information that saving in RAM is damage and must enter the new information.
If supply turn on, the input inverting IC will hold 0,6V under positive voltage of supply, it’s caused by D1. With push the button of reset, it will give input the positive voltage to the non inverting IC and make the output IC to high. It will hold the input is high though the reset button is not push. And LED will turn off. If the supply is breaking, all of the voltage is 0. And then supply is back, input IC will make to be potential starting. But capacitor is not content and hold input non inverting is low.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Stereo Amplifier Integrated

Amplifier integrated this type can be classified in amplifier integrated simple but has ability that is good. This thing is because of practically form of its(the construction is of course simple but using principal components from type that is with quality.

This type amplifier applies TDA 1521 and is producing from Volvo/Mullard. This type is type IC designed for amplifier integrated power hi-fi and made for quantized applying from network like acceptor TV and other.

IC this type can work maximumly if it is rationed with capacities around 16 Volts and will release maximum power 2 x 12 Watts for burden 8 ohm. IC type this applied at amplifier integrated formed in packaging SIL-9. This thing caused at its(the installation is later must be spanner at heatsink with thermis resistance at the most 3, 3 K/W ( RL = 8 Ohm, Us = 16 Volts, Protactinium = 14,6 Watts, Tantalum = 650C). Side that, need to be paid attention that at IC must be connected in intern at pin 5.