Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Timer Baterray Supply
One needs that is often emerges at equipments energy by battery was that battery can be killed after one certain time periods. Though circuit timer a lot, but no matter simple to be able to decide power supply allowance after used for several hour/clock. circuit depicted here can did this task by using current only some nano ampere.
View at circuit diagram shows that not many component applied. Switches S1 is nipple " ON", if it is depressed will ration bases rudder current at transistor Darlington T1 which then conducting will to ration equipments is being used. Transistor T2 now will pass also, and acts as breach-block S1 in business is maintaining bases current to T1. Condenser C1 will start filling R4. if strain at R4 shoot until 1, 2V, hence T2 will break. In turn, this thing will kill T1 and hence allowance will be desisted also. The only flowing current is blow by current passing both transistors, but this biggest current only some nano ampere only. for all need, battery allowance will be stopped.
For they hesitating of mentoba " tries and sees" possibly will require more time, but will work good. If required, both replaceable Darlington with separate transistor.